Introducing paid services on Helpific
12:00:00 AM
Testing period has begun!
For an experimental period, members of Helpific can request and offer paid services on our platform.
An option to add a price when you request or offer help |
Helpific payment option
When you request or offer help, you have an option to set a price. This is optional, if you request or offer voluntary help you can leave this field empty.
When conducting a market analysis many people with disabilities expressed that they would prefer to pay small fees for services. Also we received feedback from students and people with middle- and low income that they can’t afford to do voluntary work but for a small fee they would be able to help fellow citizens.
In countries where direct payment or personal budgeting schemes are implemented show very positive experiences. Service users are not passive participants of the available care opportunities provided by the welfare system but they can purchase services they need in their local community involving their relatives, friends, neighbours or professional service providers. Helpific is willing to serve as an online platform, and easily available marketplace for those who are ready to offer and receive services for a certain fee.
At the moment we do not set up an online payment system and also do not require commission for the transactions created on Helpific. We would like to demonstrate that there is a demand for paid services in this field and we encourage our members to try this new function of the site.
Agreement and payment occurs individually between members. Helpific will analyse the first experiences and based on your feedback and request we will introduce this function as an integrated part of our platform.
© Helpific
Helpific Newsletter | December 2015
4:56:00 PM
Dear members of Helpific platform!
Community's care and simplicity of helping each other through Helpific support platform enables to offer help and people with disabilities to live their life without borders.
Community's care and simplicity of helping each other through Helpific support platform enables to offer help and people with disabilities to live their life without borders.
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Chivas The Venture five local finalists: from left Tauri Kärson (Autolevi), Tõnis Kusmin (Tebo), Tarmo Pihl (Sentab), Annika Amenberg (Helpific) and Marko Kiisa (Upmade) |
Successful in Chivas and Ajujaht competition
Chivas has this year a 1 million dollar fund to empower extraordinary start-ups that use business to create positive change and a missioon to inspire enterpreneurial thinkers to transform the world. Many start-ups took their chance and sent in applications. Each application was reviewed and the very best from each of the participating countries was selected to take part in local finals. Helpific came fantastically to the local top 5, but didnt make it to the finals. Sentab, which offers seniors a social network on a TV, won the round - best wishes and luck to them!
Helpific has reached in Ajujaht ideas competition among the top 30 and is preparing to participate in the next round. Ajujaht is the largest competition in Estonia for business ideas. Competition's ninth season participants candidate for 60,000 euros prize pool, the winner takes at least 30,000 euros. Selecting top 7 for the television show will take place in Tallinn at the end of January. Ajujaht is implemented by Enterprise Estonia.
Knitting a network!
Helpific belongs from mid-November to a Voluntary Network. The network brings together effective voluntary activity promoting associations that collectively have a part in the shaping of policies related to volunteering, sharing opportunities and responsibilities in the field of development. They are consistent partners of coordinating authorities and the Interior Ministry. Helpific also participates in the project "Volunteer engagers knit network", which will be completed with the joint activity agreement and establishing ties with the European Volunteer Centre.
Jointweek in Vikerraadio
Helpific co-founder Annika Amenberg, who has been a long-serving volunteer in Estonian Union of Persons with Mobility Impairment, gave an interview in Vikerraadio in connection of the Jointweek. Annika told in a radio broadcast that volunteering means to Estonians usually giving something back to society and obtaining the good feeling - people have an innate need to do something good. By helping somebody you get back a lot more. It is very easy to do it in Helpific. Volunteers are happy using the platform and those who need help are very satisfied.
We value diversity policies
On the December of 11th, the fifth signing of the Diversity Agreement took place. Agreement was signed by the Helpific co-founder and the head of customer relations Triin Üksvärav. Helpific confirmed with joining that appreciates the principles of diversity among our employees and customers and treats them equally. Along with other affiliated organizations formed a community together to share experiences and to promote the equal treatment in its own organization and in society at large. This year's entrants are Adcash, the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People, the Ministry of Culture, SEB Bank, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Theare NO99 and TransferWise. Estonian Diversity Agreement now unites 68 diversity and equal treatment respecting organizations and businesses.
Internationalization in Helpific way
Helpific web platform and supportive environment for people with special needs has evolved gradually, becoming more international. It is all thanks to the cooperation with the students of the University of Tallinn, assisted by Zsolt Bugarszki - the head of Helpific International. The platform has today a choice of ten different languages - English, Estonian, Finnish, Italian, Hungarian, German, Russian, Korean, Chinese and Japanese. 400 Helpific user border is going to be crossed in December alone - nearly 200 people joined this month. Also beside the growing size of users, the number of offers and wishes has increased.
The first anniversary was celebrated with businesslike and good feeling
Helpific had their first birthday as a little appreciation event for all supporters and friends. UK’s accelerator Dot Forge representative and the investor Mr Colin Tan was invited to the party with the help of British Embassy in Estonia, discussing with guests how the social enterprise can operate successfully. He is the co-founder of the real estate portal Rentlord, being successful in accelerators, such as Seedcamp and 500 Startups, and a finalist of TechCrunch Disrupt startup competition. Helpific birthday guests gave spice to the party - they had the opportunity to embody super heroes.
Helpific is testing a business model
Helpific will test an option to the people with disabilities who can hire a personal assistant. In this regard, we call in all those who need to have a personal assistant and those who want to earn extra money while helping others. Please write and let us know about yourself - we will contact all interested ones!
Helpific wishes everybody Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Glow all your days in new year and all wishes and help wishes be fulfilled!
@ Helpific
Honorable interested parties of Helpific webplatform, we collect donations for webplatform future developments. You can make a contribution in form of donation to the NGO Helpific. HELPIFIC NGO* Registration code: 80380146 Bank account No EE102200221061303677 SWIFT kood/BIC: HABAEE2X SWEDBANK Explanation: Donation, webplatform * Helpific is not included in the list of non-profit associations, foundations and religious associations benefiting from income tax incentives. |
Új funkció érhető el a Helpific platformon
Kísérleti jelleggel, lehetővé tettük térítés ellenében nyújtott felajánlások és segítségkérések közzétételét a Helpific platformon.

A felhasználók számára lehetővé válik, hogy egy árat határozzanak meg segítségkéréseikhez és felajánlásaikhoz kapcsolódóan. Ez egy szabadon választható opció. Amennyiben valakinek továbbra is önkéntes segítségre van szüksége illetve önkéntes felajánlással él, a fizettségről szóló mezőt egyszerűen üresen kell hagyni.
Piackutatást végeztünk fogyatékossággal élő emberek körében és többen közülük azt a visszajelzést adták, hogy hosszabb távon szívesebben fizetnek egy méltányos díjat a segítségnyújtásért mintsem állandóan környezetük segítőkészségére lennének utalva. Hasonló visszajelzést kaptunk diákoktól, alacsony jövedelmű emberektől. Ők nem engedhetik meg maguknak, hogy komolyabb elköteleződést jelentő önkéntes munkát vállaljanak, de ha valamennyi pénzt kereshetnek vele, akkor készek arra, hogy a közösségükben fogyatékossággal élő embereknek segítséget nyújtsanak.
Azokban az országokban, ahol a személyi költségvetés (personal budgeting) rendszerét már bevezették, az első tapasztalatok nagyon biztatóak. A felhasználók többé nem passzív résztvevői a számukra éppen elérhető szolgáltatásoknak, hanem szabadon vásárolhatják meg a számukra szükséges támogatást családtagjaik, barátaik, szomszédságuk vagy professzionális szolgáltatók bevonásával.
A Helpific célja, hogy olyan platformmá, könnyen elérhető piactérré váljon, ahol azok is találnak maguknak megoldást, akik fizettség ellenében nyújtott szolgáltatásokat szeretnének ajánlani és igénybe venni.
Jelenleg még nem hoztunk létre ennek lebonyolítására egy online fizetési rendszert, és a kísérleti fázisban a Helpific nem von le jutalékot a regisztrált tagok között létrejött tranzakciókból. Demonstrálni szeretnénk az új funkció bevezetésével, hogy létezik kereslet (és kínálat) a fizettség ellenében nyújtott szolgáltatások iránt, és arra bátorítjuk a platform használóit, hogy próbálják ki ezt az új funkciót.
A segítségnyújtás és a fizetés részletei a felek közötti kommunikáció során kerülnek tisztázásra. A Helpific stábja felmérést készít az első tapasztalatokról és a visszajelzések alapján döntünk a fizetés ellenében nyújtott szolgáltatások részleteinek alakításáról és véglegesítéséről.
© Helpific
© Helpific
A Helpific nemzetközivé válik
12:31:00 PM
észt fejlesztésű Helpific
platform fokozatosan nemzetközivé válik. A Tallinni Egyetemmel folytatott
együttműködésünk eredményeképpen
egyetemi hallgatók csatlakoztak munkánkhoz.
a platform 9 különböző
nyelven érhető már el.
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Angolu |
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Kínaiu |
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Észtül |
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Németül |
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Magyarul |
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Olaszul |
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Japánul |
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Koreaiul |
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Oroszul |
Helpific newsletter | November 2015
5:37:00 PM
Dear members of Helpific platform!
Community's care and simplicity of helping each other through Helpific support platform enables to offer help and people with disabilities to live their life without borders.
Platform, which connects
people with disabilities and volunteers who are ready to help them, is now
opened. All the people who need help and those who offer help are welcome to
register and place notices. Helpific hopes to get feedback and suggestions from
users in order to develop platform further.
Breaking borders
Helpific participated in
the conference "Beyond Borders" arranged by Junior Chamber
International Estonia in August to surmount borders personally, technologically
and culturally. Collaboration resulted in artistic formed campaign to encourage
all the members of community to recognise people with disabilities as
individuals who are no different from fellow citizens and raise awareness of
those who are not volunteers yet. Heroes of the installation "Life Without Borders" are six people with disabilities who need assistance every day.
In spite of disability, they all are very positive and strong personalities
with different interests and knowledge. As a volunteer, you can help them to
live their life fully, without borders.
Innovation and social inclusion
Helpific met on its info
tour in Haapsalu, Tallinn and Tartu in August, September and October with
employers, public sector institutions, disabled people’s organisation
representatives and people who are interested in Helpific platform. It was
discussed, how modern information and communication technology and social
entrepreneurship can help people with disabilities to participate in labour
market, break stigmatic attitude in society, popularize voluntary activity in
local communities and promote business environment. There were workshops,
opportunity to put your skills and abilities to the test at interactive area
and installation "Life Without Borders" was presented.
Promoting communication and cultural
Gala for supporters of
Estonian Association of the Deaf took place on September 23rd. The day was
devoted to those who have contributed the activity of Estonian deaf community.
There were different performances and many letters of thanks and rewards were
handed out. Helpific was acknowledged with letter of thanks on promoting communication
and cultural accessibility outstandingly. It was given by Tiit Papp, executive
director of Estonian Association of the Deaf.
© Helpific
Honorable interested parties of Helpific webplatform, we collect donations for webplatform future developments. You can make a contribution in form of donation to the NGO Helpific. HELPIFIC NGO* Registration code: 80380146 Bank account No EE102200221061303677 SWIFT kood/BIC: HABAEE2X SWEDBANK Explanation: Donation, webplatform * Helpific is not included in the list of non-profit associations, foundations and religious associations benefiting from income tax incentives. |
Helpific newsletter | August 2015
3:43:00 PM
Dear members of Helpific platform!
Community's care and simplicity of helping each other through Helpific support platform enables to offer help and people with disabilities to live their life without borders.
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Team meeting in outdoor cafe. From left Marlen, Annika, Zsolt, Triin and Keiu |
Can social entrepreneurship be successful?
Helpific will participate at The Festival of Opinion Culture 14.-15.08.2015. Festival of Opinion Culture is a meeting place for interesting thoughts, new ideas and new initiatives; a place that will boost people’s courage and self-esteem and make them ask themselves “what can i do?”.
Life without borders? Yes!
On 20-23 August Nordic Inspiration Conference 2015 "Beyond borders" will give you a chance to be part of the lives of people who have overcome their human boundaries. Nordic Inspiration Conference 2015 is organized by Junior Chamber International Estonia in association with other JCI Nordic group chambers. Junior Chamber International CO with Helpific is promoting boundless goodwill and Helpific will set up an interactive “Testing your senses” area where all conference visitors can try the almost impossible challenges people with special needs are facing daily. There will also be a special project during the conference where installations are placed into city area. The goal of installations is to carry out a campaign to break the prejudices prevailing in society about people with special needs and to expand the awareness of potential volunteers, who today still do not act as a volunteer. The area and installations will be there on Friday, 21st of August from 9am to 5pm.
Visitors and Helpific platform enthusiasts can make their contribution into developing the Helpific platform mechanism that allows to exchange messages inside the platform. The estimated cost of the IT development is 5000 euros.
The White Lady, The Street Festival and Student days
Helpific starts with an informative tour in August that will present the idea of how information technology can help disabled people. Within the tour human resources (HR) persons will meet with disabled people organization’s representers and with Helpific platform enthusiasts, discussions and seminars will be held and people can test their senses in the interactive area.Helpific tour will go to White Lady Festival on 28th of August in Haapsalu, Tallinn Street Festival on 5th and 6th of September and Tartu Autumn Days on 16th of October. Helpific believes that by connecting social thinking and innovation is possible to contribute into improving the attitudes of society towards people with disabilities and mental health problems, to raise the inclusion of disabled people and volunteers in order to form more caring communities and to facilitate by creating opportunities for successful integration of disabled people into society.
How can you use and support Helpific?
Right now we post the help requests to Helpific Facebook page to help communities already and we just start the “beta” testing period of out platform and we encourage everyone to try and give feedback to us.
© Helpific
Honorable interested parties of Helpific webplatform, we collect donations for webplatform future developments. You can make a contribution in form of donation to the NGO Helpific. HELPIFIC NGO* Registration code: 80380146 Bank account No EE102200221061303677 SWIFT kood/BIC: HABAEE2X SWEDBANK Explanation: Donation, webplatform * Helpific is not included in the list of non-profit associations, foundations and religious associations benefiting from income tax incentives. |
Social enterprise and risk capital
4:54:00 PM
Can a social enterprise be successful and attract investors?
On the 6th of September at the New World Street Festival, Tallinn Helpific* tour within the framework of a discussion group, brought together employers, entrepreneurs, investors and non-governmental organizations to work together and find answers to the questions of whether social enterprises can be successful? And under what conditions it is possible to combine third sector with the private sector and attract investors and venture capital.
Beginning with mapping the definition of social enterprise and the way it differs from traditional enterprises. Estonian Network of Social Enterprises (hereinafter SEV) chairman Jaan Aps suggested that social enterprise has set a legal goal of making something better in society, and has a sustainable business model for profit. Estonian Business School (hereinafter EBS) docent Mari Kooskora agreed with him, in the words: "The most important thing in social entrepreneurship is to solve social problems and make the social pain points to business - and so it is quite useful for the society, and other businesses."
Chris Holtby, UK Ambassador to Estonia, participated in the discussion and shared the experience of the United Kingdom, stating that in the last 10-15 years, a group of people has been able to develop social enterprises to sustainable businesses, but it is not enough. "The government can help, for example, by reducing the tax burden, and we hope that the Estonian government will do the same here, amending the way in which public contracts are made. It creates social values, and the company can more easily get contracts, even though it might not be just the cheapest bid, " said Holtby. He added that in distincting companies should avoid discrimination against usual companies and properly express itself - the benefits to society a social enterprise offers, is better than a small amount of income.
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The benefits to society a social enterprise offers, is better than a small amount of income. |
Social policy lecturer at Tallinn University and Helpific co-founder Zsolt Bugarszki stated that discrimination against social entrepreneurship is caused by low income: "It seems to me that here in Estonia the term social has negative connotation. There are social enterprises and so-called ordinary businesses and a social enterprise is like a second hand business. " On a long run maybe it would be better not to make any difference between enterprises and social enterprises. He added that he likes the aim of social enterprises - to help those who are vulnerable, and at the same time you can change the values and taxpayer-funded welfare solutions to something more sustainable.
Then they proceeded discussing the question whether NGOs could be successful startups and whether it is possible to combine the third sector and the private sector and attract investors and venture capital. Ott Pärna from Estonian Investment Corporation said that we need to solve the sustainability problem of the social entreprises. "As a development economist, I see that non-profit organizations that are principally engaged in charity work, are completely different-minded than capitalists. How to connect two different characters? This could be done in such a way that they both surround the social problem, and solve the company’s sustainability, " said Pärna.
Siim Lepisk, CEO of equity interest free financing Prototron, found that non-profit organizations and capitalists do not conflict with each other, because funded startups are also solving someone's problem, while they make profit. "It's not really a capitalist attitude, but rather similar as NGO," said Lepisk. Representative of Ideesahtel, Jana Kukk, said that such funding is required, but agrees similar with Pärna that small non-profit organizations' way of thinking differs quite a lot from those of large enterprises and have difficulties to cope with even the most common business models.
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To investors is also important the passion of the team that attracts investors to contribute financially. |
Non-profit business acumen to resolve the incompetence emerged also in discussion, highlighted in a number of variants - SEV Chairman Jaan Aps suggested that there should be more joint events to raise awareness of businesses and NGOs. EBS docent Mari Kooskora brought up a solution, which is the Master of Business Administration students' involvement in non-profit organisations. "NGO leaders are really interested in Business Administration MA students and how to engage entrepreneurial spirit - it's quietly been going on." To this solution, Ott Pärna brings parallel of Americans, who are operating as freelancers and have a good understanding of ecosystems that can be connected, because they have the opportunity to work with various non-profit organizations and for government and enterprises.
Lecturer Zsolt Bugarszki highlighted that the 19th century concept of capitalists is changing, taking for example of modern sharing economy. "They empower ordinary people - as Uber drivers only need their own car, they don’t need to set up the taxi business." Teacher follows with interest the carmaker Tesla activities and outlines how they lose 4,000 dollars with each sold car, but at the same time the money flows from investors to the company - Tesla promises for a different future and everyone wants to participate. It was commonly agreed that, for the investor the product or service, profit, and the opportunity to promote society, is essential, but equally important is the passion of the team that attracts investors to contribute financially.
Discussion was summed up by the ambassador Chris Holtby, who said to prepare a lesson that social entrepreneurship is difficult, but fortunately there are those who assist them. "Estonia has Heateo Sihtasutus, where people are willing to give their time and expert opinion - but not the money. You can use it to build a successful social enterprise. Of course it is also necessary to enhance the overall system. England has created a more acceptable system - the system will try to help social enterprises, but here it's in the beginning. The government and local authorities, which can provide social benefits, have not yet been drawn into this. It is time to encourage them, " said Holtby.
© Helpific
Helpific tour "Beyond borders"
Promoting social inclusion of the people with mental health disorder with the help of information and communication technology and popularising volunteering in local communities.
Helpific has a tour in three Estonian cities (Haapsalu, Tallinn, Tartu) in August to present the idea how information and communication technology can help people with mental health disorder and improve awareness of people who aren’t volunteering yet. During the tour you can meet employers, public sector institutions and disabled people’s organisation representatives as well as Helpific web platform users. There will be discussions and seminars on burning topics and possibility to put your skills and abilities to the test at interactive area.
At the interactive area all the visitors can try obstacles that seem to be impossible but what disabled people must face every day, for example you can pass a wheelchair obstacle course, open a candy paper with boxing gloves and see the technological equipment that enables blind people to surf in social networks. During the tour a special project will be carried out where installations are placed in cityscape as six young persons with disabilities are the artistic heroes – Merlin, Maris, Jakob, Merilyn, Oliver and Katariina. Not with standing the disability they are all very positive individuals with different interests and knowledge, whom helped by the volunteers can live more valuable life.
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Installation "Life Without Borders" |
We wish to improve awareness of local communities to prevent stigmatic attitude and discriminating treatment towards disabled people and to encourage communities to recognize disabled people as individuals who are no different from fellow citizens. So the main focus of the tour are the people with mental health disorder who are one of the risk groups in labour market not for their disabilities but further because of misconceptions and false beliefs about mental health problems. At the same time so called worries and joys of people with physical disabilities won’t be without attention either. Helpific wants to show that community’s caring attitude and simplicity of helping each other are these keywords that enable disabled people to apply their skills, knowledge and abilities entirely and live their life beyond borders.
You can take part in Helpific tour at White Lady festival on August 28th in Haapsalu, in Tallinn during the New World Streetfestival and at Tartu Autumn Days 2015 on October 16th. When integrating social thinking and innovation it possible to improve social attitude towards disabled people, involve disabled people or volunteers to develop more caring communities and create possibilities to integrate disabled people into society.
Partners of Helpific tour are Junior Chamber International Estonia JCI (installations), Tallinn Mental Health Center, Tallinn University and Arcada University of Applied Sciences. Tour is funded by the Council of Gambling Tax.
You can take part in Helpific tour at White Lady festival on August 28th in Haapsalu, in Tallinn during the New World Streetfestival and at Tartu Autumn Days 2015 on October 16th. When integrating social thinking and innovation it possible to improve social attitude towards disabled people, involve disabled people or volunteers to develop more caring communities and create possibilities to integrate disabled people into society.
Partners of Helpific tour are Junior Chamber International Estonia JCI (installations), Tallinn Mental Health Center, Tallinn University and Arcada University of Applied Sciences. Tour is funded by the Council of Gambling Tax.
© Helpific
Helpific newsletter | July 2015
7:48:00 PM
Dear members of Helpific platform!
Community's care and simplicity of helping each other through Helpific support platform enables to offer help and people with disabilities to live their life without borders.
Community's care and simplicity of helping each other through Helpific support platform enables to offer help and people with disabilities to live their life without borders.
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Meeting students and lecturers from United States Roberts Wesleyan College |
New logo for Helpific
Since April Helpific has a new logo - thanks to Neway AD Design Studio and Jaan Naaber. See logo design here.
I dream to become an astronaut. With your help we'll fly together!
Tallinn University in co-operation with Helpific started a campaign to help two young dudes to manage their independent life in the community. Our aim is to introduce the mission of Helpific and our future plans and most importantly - helping to solve the problems of these two young men. In the beginning of May we presented pilot projects of Jüri and Tom - two awesome guys who need a little bit of help. Let’s help them - share info, buy their services, donate and cheer for them!
European Sustainable Development Week
Helpific and Estonian Medical Student’s Association organized within European Sustainable Development Week an information day. Topic was about physical disability, comparing medical and social approach. Together the myths were broken and the meaning of mobility disability was opened. See photos here.
Helpific will have a tour!
Helpific organizes in autumn information days in Tallinn, Tartu and Haapsalu. The aim is to present and popularize Helpific web platform among local citizens. Exact dates and locations will be presented in our Facebook page.
Helpific began international co-operation with Finnish university
Helpific is a partner in a project “Skilled and Socially Inclusive Region”. Partners are Tallinn University Institute of Social Work, Tallinn Mental Health Center and Arcada University of Applied Sciences in Finland. People with mental disability are the risk group in the job market. Often the reasons for not employing them are behind false understandings about their disability, not their disability itself. The aims of the project are creating stronger communities, connecting vulnerable people with the labor market, raising activity and employment of disabled people, and reducing stigma in the society. Project activities will take place in autumn. More information coming soon.
Sharing social values through sharing economy
- In April Helpific presented itself in seminar focused on sharing economy, organized by Estonian Urban Lab. A sharing economy takes a variety of forms, often leveraging information technology to empower individuals, corporations, non-profits and government with information that enables distribution, sharing and reuse of excess capacity in goods and services. Photos from the seminar are available here.
- In April was held Bewise lecture “New Tendencies in Welfare: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Social Work” in Tallinn University of Technology. The aim of the BeWise project is to provide additional value to higher education in Estonia, helping Estonian universities to mediate practitioners as guest lecturers. Helpific co-founder Zsolt Bugarszki (PhD) was the lecturer.
- In May social work students and lecturers from United States Roberts Wesleyan College visited Tallinn University Institute of Social Work. Helpific team participated in the meeting. The purpose of the visit was sharing experiences about dealing with mental disability. Quests from US valued Helpific as a initiative with innovative ideas about how to solve problems in society.
- On 20-23 August will be held Nordic Inspiration Conference 2015 "Beyond borders". Helpific will participate as special project, but more information coming in the August information letter!
- Helpific will participate at The Festival of Opinion Culture 14.-15.08.2015. More information from here and Facebook event.
How can you use or support Helpific right now?
Right now we post the help needers wishes to Helpific Facebook page to help communities already, even though the website is under development. Users can increase the user base of Helpific by sharing our information, individually as well as in the social media and through organizations, mailing lists of disabled people and volunteers. Also, we look forward to feedback for Helpific activities and additional recommendations to increase the quality and user-friendliness of our web platform.